silver lining

every cloud has a silver lining.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nested story

There is a line for an arsonist in the present script of our drama.

"When I finish reading stories, I sometimes can't say goodbye to the characters. So I slowly start blindly turning pages so as not to end soon. But the story finally ends... And I have to say goodbye."

This drama has a kind of nested structure. The person who reads the story (watches the drama) enters into the story, gets involved in the story and becomes one of the characters in the story, like "The Neverending Story".

Then I remembered something and took out "One Hundred Years of Solitude" from my bookshelf.

This book is my memorable book. When I had to concentrate on studying for the entrance exam, I kept it reading in a prep school, on the train, at home. And finally I finished reading on New Year's Day.

I forget the detail of "One Hundred Years of Solitude", but I remember clearly that I heard the sound of whirlwind and turning over pages at the very end of the story. A character found a set of ancient prophecies in which his life and his destiny was already written down, and he disappered at the same time when he reached the last page! That left me the impression of great beauty and great, tragic sadness; solitude.


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