silver lining

every cloud has a silver lining.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Escape from what?

Pyonta is looking outside at the window of the car. And some terrible accident had happened.

Friday morning, my mother gave me a drive to the office. Pyonta got on the car as he always does. He likes getting on a car.

On the way to the office, we noticed that there's no Pyonta in the backseat! We happened to forget to lock the window on this day. He must have put the button and opened the window and jumped from the car!

On this morning rush hour time... gosh!

I started my work, but my mother took day off and looked for Pyonta all that day. I was so anxious about Pyonta that I phoned my mother so many times during the work. But every time I called her, She said "No".

I couldn't finish my job on the fixed time. I finished my work around 9 p.m. and phoned my mother.

He finally came back! ...without knowing our worry.


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