silver lining

every cloud has a silver lining.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Famous line! 2

Here's a sequel to the journal yesterday.

4. Line of sex
Aristophanes "Lysistrata"
Tennessee Williams "A Streetcar Named Desire"
Yukio Mishima "Madame de Sade"

5. Line of intelligence
Bertolt Brecht "The Threepenny Opera"
Samuel Beckett "Waiting for Godot"
Eugène Ionesco "The Lesson"
Kobo Abe "Friends"

6. Line of decision
Ibsen "A Doll's House"
Molière "Tartuffe"
Kunio Shimizu "Shinjo Ahururu Keihakusa"
Shuji Terayama "Marie in Furs"
Hisashi Inoue "Living with Father"

7. Line of joy
Thornton Wilder "Our Town"
Koki Mitani "The Orchestra Pit!"
Kensuke Yokouchi "Hotel California"

8. Line of love (2)
Junji Kinoshita "Twilight of a Crane"
Ren Saito "Welcome SHANGHAI"
Kouhei Tsuka "Murder in Atami"
Shoji Kokami "Drama of Romance"


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