silver lining

every cloud has a silver lining.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Picture Scrolls of Genji Monogatari

Revived Genji Monogatari Emaki, the exhibition introducing reproductive picture scrolls of the Tale of Genji, hels at Goto Museum in Setagaya(February 18 - March 26).

Picture Scrolls of Genji Monogatari is a national treasure which was made in the latter part of Heian period (12C). It is the oldest story picture rolls which has remaind until now. Five Japanese-style painter reproduced those scrolls with vivid colors using the newest scientific research. This process seemed to be broadcasted by NHK program. You can check one of restorations of Genji Monogatari Emaki on the net.

As I searched this exhibit, I feel like reading the Tale of Genji. In English if possible. There has been some editions; Suematsu Kencho, Arthur Waley, Edward Seidensticker, Royall Tyler, and the Diet Member Marutei Tsurunen has made translations. It must be interesting to read Japanese classics in English!


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