silver lining

every cloud has a silver lining.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Looking back over 6 months

I had my articles corrected by a native teacher. I felt ashamed of my bad English...

Reflecting on 6 months (6 months go on)

(^_^) Good things...

* I did my best as our drama class leader!
* I could keep the class on schedule.
* We could find an awesome story, Nocturne.
* I made such nice friends!
* With extreme difficulty I could finally be Sayo.
* Many Nocturne members stayed in Ted's Sunday class!
* I could see things clearly with contact lenses.
* I lost about 5 kilos of my weight!

(>_<) Bad things...

* I spent too much money on train & bus fares.
* I had no time to study English for myself.
* We had to oversimplify the story of Nocturne.
* I lost my parents' trust.
* I should have been cool enough to grasp the whole picture.
* I feel somewhat lonely outside of the class.
* I finally realized that my face is blessed with freckles.
* Now I'm getting fat again.


(^_^) Good things...

* I did my best as a leader of the drama class!
* I could run the class on schedule.
* We could meet an awesome story, Nocturne.
* I got so nice friends!
* Finally I could be Sayo with extreme difficulty.
* Many Nocturne members stay Sunday Ted's class!
* I could see things clearly with contact lenses.
* I lost about 5 kilos of my weight!

(>_<) Bad things...

* I spent so much money as train & bus fare.
* I had no time to study English for myself.
* We couldn't tell all of the original messages.
* I lost my parents' trust.
* I should have been cool to grasp the whole picture.
* I feel somewhat lonesome outside the class.
* I come to find my freckled face.
* Now I'm getting fat again.


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