silver lining

every cloud has a silver lining.

Friday, December 30, 2005

European History

Today was the last day of English school this year. I was so exhausted because there was no time to rest these weeks. I tried to do my best with all my might today.

I really enjoyed the class of "European History" and "British Culture", especially the first one. In the class, we listed up 5 important people in European history in each group. Our group listed William the Conqueror, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) and Gutenberg.

It was very difficult to narrow down to 5 people. Lots of famous people were listed in the class. James Watt, Elizabeth I, Leonardo da Vinci, Jesus Christ(?), Napoleon, Mozart, Julius Caesar, Martin Luther, Alexander the Great, Columbus, Karl Marx, Rousseau, Einstein, Lenin, and so on.

Although I majored in Japanese history when I was a high school student, I should know these important people more! I got to feel that I must study world history in English.


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